A Chapter Closes

Long time no read! I started out this year strong, knocking four books out within the first two months. Then by March, my interest in and stamina for reading started to wane. I picked up a new book but allowed myself to read slowly, thoughtfully, with lots of breaks in between. I think I willContinue reading “A Chapter Closes”

A Long Winter’s Read

Well, I did it – I completed my reading goal of forty-five forty books! I feel pretty proud of myself, even though many unread books remain glaring at me from my bookshelf. I hope you enjoy the final four reviews of the year. Stay tuned for a wrap-up of all my reads in a newContinue reading “A Long Winter’s Read”

Facing Fears

In October and November, I set out to read tales of the Frightful, Fabulous, and Fun, all the elements of a good Halloween season. But in between reading about things that go bump in the night, I also picked up books about real fears: disappointment, aging, depression, and loss. I’m not sure how a happily-ever-after-lovingContinue reading “Facing Fears”

Rainy Day Reading

September wasn’t a particularly rainy month. But the way I was curled up inside with these books, you would have thought it was to treacherous outside to do anything else! I ended this month with Meg Cabot sandwich, fitting in one YA book and one adult literary fiction novel in between the last three installmentsContinue reading “Rainy Day Reading”

Borrowed Books

Almost every single book I read in August was borrowed rather than from my own shelf. I finally signed up for a physical library card (until recently, I only had a digital “card” that had expired). With this new card, I am now able to check out books of all forms: graphic novels, e-books forContinue reading “Borrowed Books”

Chills and Thrills

Horror is one of my favorite genres. It has been since I was a child reading books about skeletons and watching the Chernabog segment of Fantasia (1940) on repeat. So, I dedicated some time the past couple of months to read some REALLY scary stuff and other content that is simply edgier than my recentContinue reading “Chills and Thrills”

A Sample of Stardusted Shelf

Originally posted on 'Where Louisville Meets the World':
Written by Gianna Bennett, an AmeriCorps VISTA serving at Americana Community Center Through the pandemic, political crises, a period of unemployment, and other fun things, I’ve at least burned through a lot of books. To catalog my thoughts and share reading recommendations, I started a blog called Stardusted…

Springtime Slump

POV: You (Subscriber) knock on the door of the Stardusted Shelf Blog. Legend says that this is the dwelling of the Book Blogger: an enthusiastic reader who once, many moons ago, wrote detailed, consistent posts on behalf of every book she read. Someone from behind the door unlatches the lock. The door creaks open slowlyContinue reading “Springtime Slump”

Black History Month

For February, I read all books by black authors to celebrate Black History Month. It was a short month, but I squeezed in four very special reads. I will continue to read Black authors and stories year-round, but February gave me an opportunity to put them to the front and dive into some books I’dContinue reading “Black History Month”

New Year, New Shelf

On New Year’s Eve, I broke my book-buying hiatus and took home a total of five new books from Barnes & Noble and Half Price Books. My TBR (To Be Read) list is getting increasingly longer with new books! Still, this year, I am determined to make a dent in the piles that have beenContinue reading “New Year, New Shelf”

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